Use the arrows to scroll the list a little at a time. Click in the gray bar to scroll a windowful at a time. Drag the white box to scroll to a different part of the list.
This is dimmed because you need to select an item from the list.
Click here to move a copy of the item’s icon to TeleFinder’s desktop.
Click here to open the folder or file.
TeleFinder will open the file’s Info window if it cannot open the file.
Enter the modified date here. Then click in Find to begin the search.
Use this pop-up menu to describe the modified date of the item you wish to find.
Enter a part of the item’s name here. Then click in Find to begin the search.
Use this pop-up menu to describe the name item you want to find.
Use this pop-up menu to describe the kind of item to search for from this menu.
Choose a part of the bulletin board to search from this pop-up menu.
List of found files and folders.
Select an item from this list. Then use the Move to Desk or Open button to access the item’s icon.
This is dimmed because TeleFinder is not searching for files now.
You can use this to stop a search that you start.
Click here to stop the search in progress.
This is dimmed because some search criteria is missing.